What to Expect at a Chiropractic and Rehab Appointment

Chiropractic care has grown in popularity in the decades since its inception into the medical world. It is a welcome option for people seeking long-term pain relief from issues like chronic neck and back pain.


Moreover, chiropractic care can treat many conditions related to the musculoskeletal structure. It is effective for people recovering from injuries and helps athletes get to their top form before participating in competitions.


One thing you should have in mind is that the first appointment is much like any first-time appointment with any medical doctor. However, some specific details are different with a chiropractor.


Medical History


One of the first things you will do when you get to the chiropractor’s office is fill out a questionnaire. The questionnaire aims to get a detailed report of your medical history. They help the chiropractor determine whether you have any conditions that may affect the treatment. Also, some conditions may lead to some of the chronic pain you want to have treated.


Also, you will need to fill out other forms that contribute to your history. You may need to give details of your lifestyle and the activities you engage in frequently. Some activities may be the source of the pain you may be feeling.




Another aspect you will need to give information on is the symptoms you are experiencing. The consultation on your symptoms will include questions like:


  • Where on your body is the pain most intense?
  • How and when did you start experiencing the pain?
  • Were you involved in an accident or injury before the pain started?
  • Have you had extensive medical procedures like surgeries in the past two years?
  • Are you currently on any medication?


The Physical Exam


After you have filled out all the forms, the chiropractor will call you into their office. They will perform a physical exam to help them assess the symptoms and other aspects of your physical health. They will test your range of motion, physical strength, and reflexes. They will be especially attentive to the neck and spine as most issues stem from these parts. The two parts are also at the core of chiropractic care.


After this, they will focus on the parts of the body presenting the symptoms you stipulated in the forms. They will try to determine the main cause of the pain and discomfort.


Clinical Exam


They will then perform a clinical exam to check your overall health. They may check your respiration, pulse, and blood pressure. If you are in good health, your body can sustain the adjustments you require.


Diagnostic Tests


After the clinical exam, the chiropractor may require diagnostic tests. Usually, this involves getting X-rays of the affected parts of your body. They help the chiropractor identify the specific problem causing you pain.


Patient Education


After the tests, the chiropractor will discuss your health and issues with you. They will detail the treatment plan and how you will participate in it. They may also tell you if you need to include other modalities in your treatment. Ensure that you ask any questions that you may have about the treatment.


Call Active Family Chiropractic & Acupuncture in Nebraska at our offices in Grand Island (308) 384-4955, Hastings (402) 249-5500, Kearney (308) 222-4400, or Columbus (402) 265-6800.

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